RECAP Seminars and Workshops

Each year we aim to offer a range of workshops, seminars, talks and films that are grounded in the Permaculture ethics of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share

Over the last few years we have run workshops on an ever increasing list of subjects. These are open to all, and are either free or well subsidised.

We run three annual workshops: summer pruning, winter pruning and composting.

Some of the workshops, seminars and volunteer opportunities we have offered: solar power, sourdough, seed harvesting & processing, seed sowing, foraging, espalier trees, public clean ups and stream cleaning, drought proofing your garden, natural building, rainwater tanks, backyard poulty keeping, beginner gardening, berm gardening, zero and low waste living, soap making and many, many more.

RECAP is committed to providing education around sustainability and resilience and dedicated to increasing community connectivity in Ashhurst and Pohangina.

Please email us on if you would like to receive our monthly mail out, or like us on facebook to keep up to date with what we are offering


RECAP privacy statement

In order to provide you with information, we may request the following: your name, contact details & previous interactions with our organization. 

Providing this to us is optional. 

We keep your information safe by storing it securely and only allowing one staff member to access it for communication purposes only.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. 

If you would like to request your information: please contact us at

The RECAP Seed Library

Did you know that RECAP has a seed library within the Ashhurst Community Library?

It is free to register to use for Ashhurst & Pohangina residents and you are able to access 3 packets per month. 

If you save seeds from your garden and have enough to share we would gratefully accept them to distribute. Please contact or drop them off to our wonderful librarians (with as much information about the seeds as you can provide us) and we can package them up and label them for our community.

As we wish for people to be able to continue to collect seeds from their plants, we only ask that you don't donate hybrid seeds (if you have any bought packets it should tell you on the label).

Be involved!

Two volunteers share their experience with beekeeping during a tour

RECAP is a volunteer-led, registered charity (CC50147) with lots of opportunities for meaningful community involvement. As an umbrella organisation for a range of community projects, we would like to enable people with creativity and initiative to take leadership in areas that are supported by our purposes. Please step forward if you would like to develop a project or offer a workshop to benefit the community through RECAP. We also have several well-defined volunteer roles, small and large. Contact us to discuss a volunteer role that might suit you. You can also ask to be put on our mailing list, and we'll let you know about working bees as well as other events like workshops, socials, and more. Most of our events are equally open to both members (living in Ashhurst and the Pohangina Valley area) and non-members. Just send us your name, email address, and mailing address. Our AGM is usually the first Wednesday in June at the Village Valley Centre. Our email:
