Tēnā koutou katoa from RECAP
New workshop!
RECAP in conjunction with Future Living Skills and ENM, are hosting a Compost Workshop on Saturday April 13th 1pm-3pm at the Olsson Community Orchard in Ashhurst.
This is a hands on, practical workshop where together we will build a three bed hot composting system, and demonstrate and chat about other forms of composting such as bokashi, worm farms and more so bring your questions.
Learn some tips, tricks and hacks to create nutrient rich compost in your own backyard, saving money and diverting waste from landfill to create beautiful soil for your plants to thrive in.
Afternoon tea and hot drinks provided.
This is a free workshop, but koha is appreciated.
In the event of heavy rain we will postpone until Saturday April 20th.
Registrations are essential and can be made at recap.org.nz
On Thursday March 21st we were joined by kaumātua from Ngāti Kauwhata and Rangitāne, Ashhurst Health Care staff, tamariki from the Ashhurst School garden club, Environment Network Manawatū, community members, our wonderful librarians at Ashhurst Library, Manawatū Standard and Meridian Energy (who funded this project) to begin work on a māra rongoā (traditional Māori medicinal garden) on the Ashhurst Health Care premises.
The area planted is along the public walkway next to the centre from Cambridge avenue to Guildford street, so please have a wander through and keep your eye out as we transform this space into a thriving māra full of natives. There will be signage coming to provide some information on the varied plants, their history and uses.
Ngā mihi nui to all that attended and got stuck in planting.
We have Volunteer Library Gardening happening most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates Ashhurst Chat on facebook each week with more detail, so if you’re keen to get involved check there or email: schelius@hotmail.com. Everyone—all levels of experience and ability— welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular volunteer.
Our Seed Library (located within the Ashhurst Library) continues to be updated with seeds appropriate for the season. We are always looking for donated seeds. These can be dropped off to the Seed Library station.
RECAP Community Kai continues to provide rescued/donated kai to residents on Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 from the library back room (accessed through the garden). Bring your own bag and select what you and your whānau will use. To find out more join our dedicated page on facebook.
The RECAP Crop Swap: on the first Saturday of every month, 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst Library we host a sharing event where people can give and take freely (no need to give in order to take and visa versa). Bring produce, fruit, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and anything else gardening related.
Noho ora mai
Chris Love
RECAP coordinator