The RECAP Seed Library

We're about to do a big restock of the Seed Library so we thought we'd do up a quick guide. Check in at the Ashhurst Library (where the Seed Library station is located) as we have a whole lot of fresh, locally harvested seeds for your Autumn/Winter gardens.

The RECAP Crop Swap

The RECAP Crop Swap continues in 2025 on the first Saturday of each month. Join us at the Ashhurst Community Library 11am-1pm. For those unfamiliar with the Crop Swap - this is an open sharing event where anyone can give or take items for free (‘swap’ is a bit of a misnomer as you don’t need to exchange things). Things we welcome at the Crop Swap: excess produce/fruit, seedlings, seeds, home baking, preserves, small gardening items, cuttings, small trees, plants, fertilizers (e.g. worm wee), fresh herbs e.t.c e.t.c. There’s always a lot of great kōrero around gardening topics as well. It's a great way to meet others in the community.

This year the Crop Swap poster doubles as a colouring in competition for local tamariki: pick up a copy at the Ashhurst Library, colour it in and we'd like you to name as many of the vegetables, fruits, herbs and fungi that you recognize on the back (and don't forget your name and contact details!). Drop it off to the Crop Swap and be in to win a prize pack containing seasonal seeds, some pots and growing medium for your seeds and a surprise or two. We will be running this all year.

RECAP news February/March 2025

Kia ora koutou from RECAP

An update on our projects, services and upcoming activities: 

Crop Swap - The RECAP Crop Swap continues in 2025 on the first Saturday of each month. Join us at the Ashhurst Community Library 11am-1pm. The first one for the year is this Saturday March 1st. For those unfamiliar with the Crop Swap - this is an open sharing event where anyone can give or take items for free (‘swap’ is a bit of a misnomer as you don’t need to exchange things). Things we welcome at the Crop Swap: excess produce/fruit, seedlings, seeds, home baking, preserves, small gardening items, cuttings, small trees, plants, fertilizers (e.g. worm wee), fresh herbs e.t.c e.t.c. There’s always a lot of great kōrero around gardening topics as well. It's a great way to meet others in the community. 

Summer Pruning - Our always-popular pruning workshop is happening on Saturday March 1st from 1pm at the Olsson Community Orchard in Ashhurst. Learn by doing under the tutelage of two knowledgeable instructors. This workshop is free, but we appreciate koha if you are able. Registrations are a must and can be made at

Volunteer Library Gardening happens most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates facebook/Ashhurst Chat each week, so if you’re keen to get involved you can get in touch there or email: Everyone - all levels of experience and ability - welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular.

Ashhurst School Garden Club The kids are back in the garden with Mondays for juniors and Thursdays for seniors. If your tamariki are keen on garden club (and you wish to keep their uniform shirts clean) please feel free to pack an old tee shirt - we do tend to get a bit muddy!

The Ashhurst Sharing Shelf - has a new facebook group you can join HERE. We are closing down the current facebook page as pages do not allow anyone outside of an admin to post. Groups are open so anyone can post what they've shared on the shelf. For those unfamiliar - the Ashhurst Sharing Shelf is a pātaka kai run by RECAP situated in the Ashhurst Library garden on Bamfield street.


We provide free rescued kai to people in the Ashhurst/Pohangina area each Tuesday from 3:15-4:15 from the back room of the Ashhurst Library.

If the weather is good - please queue outside, if it is raining you are able to queue inside the library.

Depending on donations, some weeks we are able to serve anyone who comes no questions asked. On weeks where donations are low we need to see a current community services card to access kai. We post on facebook/RECAP Community Kai at approximately 2:30 pm Tuesday to let you know.

You are able to come through and pick up what you need from what has been donated that week. Some items have limits so please read the signage.

Unfortunately we can no longer set aside bags for a later pick up. And only one bag per whānau, please. We can also no longer offer more than one bag for those picking up on behalf.

Kids and teenagers are not allowed to pick up kai unless a parent or caregiver has contacted us (you only need to do this once and we will note their name down) and on the weeks where a community services card is needed you will need to send a photo of this. Email:

Please note that as this is rescued kai - many of the items will be past their best before date. We dispose of any items that we deem unfit for human consumption, but many items past best before are still good to eat. Please note, however, that this is at your own risk. Please use your eyes, nose and common sense if you are unsure. Please also note that use by dates are stricter than best before dates, so if an item says 'use by' this will need to be consumed asap. We will endeavor to let you know if items have been previously frozen or can be frozen.

Please be respectful of everyone else collecting kai and our volunteers. And please be honest when taking kai and do not exceed any limits that are on the signs - we are trying to be as fair in the distribution of this kai as possible.

Ngā mihi nui to our donors and volunteers, without whom we could not provide this service.

Chris Love

RECAP coordinator

Join us on facebook or instagram

(Image from the Ashhurst School Garden)






Our projects, services and green spaces.

We recently created this info sheet collating our various endevours and it's great to see the community impact our group has.

Volunteers are RECAP and it is an honor to work in and alongside our community to improve the quality of life for both humans and our local environment in our lovely little corner of the world.

Ngā mihi nui to everyone who contributes, in big ways and small. 


The RECAP Permaculture Garden Tour 2024

The RECAP Permaculture Garden Tour is back! We run this event once every two years and our date for 2024 is Saturday October 26th 10am-4pm.

Registrations are open now and can be made HERE. The cost is $25 per person, with free entry for those 12 and under. 

This is an opportunity to learn more about RECAP projects (The Ashhurst Community Garden, Olsson Community Orchard, McCrae’s Bush and our new māra rongoā) and visit a wide range of private properties and gardens. Enjoy a self guided tour around locations in Ashhurst and the Pohangina valley with access to discounts at local eateries and businesses.

This is our main fundraising event with all proceeds assisting our community projects, services and education. Ngā mihi nui for your support.



Permaculture principles:

Observe and interact.

Catch and store energy.

Obtain a yield.

Apply self-regulation & accept feedback.

Use & value renewable resources & services

Produce no waste.

Design from patterns to details.

Integrate rather than segregate.

Use small and slow solutions.

Use and value diversity.

Use edges & value the marginal.

Creatively use and respond to change.


RECAP news ~ June/July

Kia ora koutou from RECAP

Ngā mihi to those who attended our AGM and haere mai to new board member Kira Paul.

A note from the RECAP Seed Library:

We provide as much information as possible on the label regarding seed source, expiry e.t.c but as we receive seeds from multiple places (often anonymously) we sometimes don’t have a lot to pass on. As such, if you pick up seeds with little info we can’t always vouch for their viability. We’d recommend a simple germination test for these seeds: place some of the seeds between a moist paper towel, put in a ziplock bag and leave somewhere warm for up to two weeks. This should give you an indication of how many seeds you can expect to germinate before you put them in the soil. 

Also - as we have a mix of hybrid, commercially produced and open pollinated seed collected from people’s gardens, please check the info as you can not go on to collect seeds from plants grown from hybrid stock. We will make sure this info is provided on the labels where possible. We will also be transitioning into a different colour label for those extra special seeds that are grown and collected locally.

We are always looking for donated seeds - especially those grown in our area as these are acclimated to our conditions. They can be dropped off to the Seed Library station, within the Ashhurst Library. When donating, we’d love to know what they are, when they were harvested and where. Ngā mihi.


Volunteer Library Gardening happens most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates facebook/Ashhurst Chat each week, so if you’re keen to get involved you can get in touch there or email: Everyone - all levels of experience and ability - welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular.


The RECAP Crop Swap - happens on the first Saturday of every month, 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst Library. This is a sharing event where people can give and take freely with no cost. It’s always a friendly group that gathers, with helpful kōrero on a variety of gardening related topics. 

Last month we thanked our wonderful Community Kai volunteers and donors. RECAP is by and for our community, and would not exist without the many volunteers who give their time, energy, skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to RECAP projects and events. In honour of Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu – National Volunteer Week (June 16-22) we’d like to say ngā mihi to the rest of our incredible current volunteers:

McCrae’s bush: Julie Doyle, Phillip Prujean, Margie Rogers (and former volunteers: Lance Fitness, Dianne McConnel and Peter Todd).

Māra Rongoā: Damian McGregor

Ashhurst Community Library Garden: Sue Pegrume, Jill Stewart, Amaya Piahana, Lucille Floyd and Susan

Phil Stevens

Hayden Smith

Ayla Bennett 

And our current board: Harvey Jones (chairperson) Anne Van-Brunt (treasurer) Suzanne Chelius (deputy chairperson) Aaron Roberts, Ellen Wansbrough, Jo Smith, Kira Paul.

In the 2023-2024 financial year, there were a total of 1399 volunteer hours donated in the following areas: 

Ashhurst Library Community Garden: 142 hours

Olsson Community Orchard: 82 hours

McCrae’s Bush: 232 hours       

Governance/meetings/administration: 151.5 hours                                             

Events (workshops e.t.c): 39 hours                                   

Trapping: 43 hours                                         

The Seed Library: 26.5 hours

RECAP Community Kai: 593.5 hours


Incredible stuff, team.

Noho ora mai

Chris Love

RECAP coordinator





RECAP news ~ May/June

Kia ora koutou 

We have two new workshops now up for registrations at

Winter Pruning: our popular Winter Pruning Workshop is scheduled for Saturday June 29th 1pm-3pm (with July 6th as a rain date). This is a practical, hands on guide to winter fruit tree pruning for optimum next season fruiting and tree health. Join us for this opportunity to get stuck in with the loppers with guidance and support. This is a free workshop, although koha is appreciated.

Death without Debt: This workshop is a little different to our usual output, but something we believe will be of huge benefit to many in our community. Fergus Wheeler guides people through the financial challenges surrounding death, and Death Without Debt NZ is ‘dedicated to creating a future where the cost of dying doesn't add to the burden of grief.’ This takes place on Saturday August 3rd 11am-2pm. The cost is $10 waged and $5 unwaged (these workshops are usually $30, but we have subsidized this price).

You can learn more about Fergus’ work at 

McCrae’s bush volunteering: McCrae’s bush is an area of native bush with a stream and walkways which can be accessed via steps at the end of the Terrace, or from River road.  The small team that have been kaitaki of this area has gotten smaller of late, but the work to weed the invasive plants to ensure the existing and newly planted natives thrive is ongoing. If you would be interested in helping keep this wonderful taonga healthy for both our current community and its future generations, please get in touch. There’s volunteering on Monday mornings (both casual and regular volunteers welcome) and opportunities for working bees on other days. If you are a business or group that would like to donate time to the community, we can accommodate. Email or text/call 021755314. 

Ngā mihi nui to both current and former volunteers who have put their time and energy into this wonderful space. 

The RECAP Seed Library now has a team of three and a shiny new facebook group. They’re a driven lot who have managed to access a bulk lot of seeds to distribute, as well as making plans to expand the library. All seeds are FREE, we just ask that you only take three packets per month and fill in the sheet at the Seed Library Station within the Ashhurst Community Library. We always greatly appreciate donations, especially of locally grown and collected seed as these are acclimated to the growing conditions specific to our area. 

The greenhouse at the Ashhurst School garden is now up and full of growing potential for the tamariki. Ngā mihi nui to the caretaker Richard and Aaron and Harvey from RECAP for construction and anchoring, and to Noel Birchall for the raised beds. The anonymous donor that made this possible has offered a further $1000 which will be used to purchase another vegepod, compost bins and other supplies. The focus at garden club is on food gardening, which we hope will strengthen resilience for these kids. We’re thrilled that others in the community see the importance of this kaupapa, and thank the donor for their generosity.  

Volunteer Library Gardening happens most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates facebook/Ashhurst Chat each week, so if you’re keen to get involved you can get in touch there or email: Everyone - all levels of experience and ability - welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular.

The RECAP Crop Swap - happens on the first Saturday of every month, 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst Library. This is a sharing event where people can give and take freely with no cost. It’s always a friendly group that gathers, with helpful kōrero on a variety of gardening related topics. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful regular volunteers and donors at RECAP Community Kai. Ngā mihi nui to Angela, Gwendi, Marilyn, Dianne, Helen, Aryanne, Kaye, Jo (and all previous and casual volunteers) Just Zilch, Mission for Men, Lunch by Libelle, Bonnie and Neal Rider, Jenny Annand, DKSH (and Dan for transport) and to Ross and Jill at the library who accommodate us on Tuesdays and provide space and shelving for storage and freezers. 

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket and my basket the people will thrive

Ka kite anō

Chris Love

RECAP coordinator

RECAP news ~ April

Tēnā koutou katoa from RECAP

New workshop!

RECAP in conjunction with Future Living Skills and ENM, are hosting a Compost Workshop on Saturday April 13th 1pm-3pm at the Olsson Community Orchard in Ashhurst.

This is a hands on, practical workshop where together we will build a three bed hot composting system, and demonstrate and chat about other forms of composting such as bokashi, worm farms and more so bring your questions.

Learn some tips, tricks and hacks to create nutrient rich compost in your own backyard, saving money and diverting waste from landfill to create beautiful soil for your plants to thrive in.

Afternoon tea and hot drinks provided.

This is a free workshop, but koha is appreciated. 

In the event of heavy rain we will postpone until Saturday April 20th.

Registrations are essential and can be made at




On Thursday March 21st we were joined by kaumātua from Ngāti Kauwhata and Rangitāne, Ashhurst Health Care staff, tamariki from the Ashhurst School garden club, Environment Network Manawatū, community members, our wonderful librarians at Ashhurst Library, Manawatū Standard and Meridian Energy (who funded this project) to begin work on a māra rongoā (traditional Māori medicinal garden) on the Ashhurst Health Care premises.

The area planted is along the public walkway next to the centre from Cambridge avenue to Guildford street, so please have a wander through and keep your eye out as we transform this space into a thriving māra full of natives. There will be signage coming to provide some information on the varied plants, their history and uses.

Ngā mihi nui to all that attended and got stuck in planting.



We have Volunteer Library Gardening happening most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates Ashhurst Chat on facebook each week with more detail, so if you’re keen to get involved check there or email: Everyone—all levels of experience and ability— welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular volunteer.


Our Seed Library (located within the Ashhurst Library) continues to be updated with seeds appropriate for the season. We are always looking for donated seeds. These can be dropped off to the Seed Library station.


RECAP Community Kai continues to provide rescued/donated kai to residents on Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 from the library back room (accessed through the garden). Bring your own bag and select what you and your whānau will use. To find out more join our dedicated page on facebook.


The RECAP Crop Swap: on the first Saturday of every month, 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst Library we host a sharing event where people can give and take freely (no need to give in order to take and visa versa). Bring produce, fruit, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and anything else gardening related. 


Noho ora mai

Chris Love

RECAP coordinator

RECAP news ~ February/March

Tēna koutou.

The RECAP team is back for 2024. We have some exciting projects, workshops and seminars coming up, so please keep your eye on our website and social media.

On behalf of the Christmas Hamper committee RECAP is a part of (alongside the Ashhurst Food Bank and members of the Ashhurst RSA) we’d like to acknowledge those who sponsored the Community Christmas Hampers in 2023: Ngā mihi nui to the Ashhurst/Pohangina Lions, Age Concern, The Ashhurst Memorial RSA, the RSA Women's League, RECAP, The Ashhurst Food Bank, Diane Bennett, The Ashhurst Christmas Parade, Woolworths New Zealand, River Church, Sanitarium, DKSH Distribution, Tastes of the UK, Just Zilch and everyone who made cash donations, donated food items or bought a raffle ticket.

The RECAP Crop Swap has been popular, so we’re hosting these monthly in 2024. You’ll find us on the first Saturday of every month at the Ashhurst Community Library (outside if it’s nice!) 11am-1pm kicking off in March. This is a sharing event where people can give and take freely (no need to give in order to take and visa versa). Bring produce, fruit, cuttings, seedlings, seeds and anything else gardening related.

Last year there was some kōrero on creating a neighborhood watch and/or community patrols in the area due to an uptick in crime. RECAP are happy to arrange a meeting with The Palmerston North/Manawatū reps for the community if interest is still there. Please contact if you would be keen to get involved or have any thoughts or suggestions you’d like to share.

We have Volunteer Library Gardening happening most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates facebook/Ashhurst Chat each week with more detail, so if you’re keen to get involved check there or email: Everyone—all levels of experience and ability— welcome. Bring gloves and tools if you have them. Otherwise, we will provide anything you might need. Mission is keeping the garden tidy as well as connecting and socialising. We garden for under an hour, then stop for a cuppa and cake. We are starting earlier (at 1pm) this year to provide more of a time-buffer for those who have school pick-up. Come along as a one-off or as a regular volunteer! We love to see new faces!

We will be running our Permaculture Garden Tour again later this year, and we’re on the lookout for new gardens to showcase. Although we focus on permaculture, anyone who grows food/flowers/natives with sustainable/regenerative methods is welcome to participate. It’s a wonderful chance to meet other like minded gardeners, and as a participant you often learn a lot from the attendees. This is a fundraising effort for RECAP with proceeds going toward our many and varied services and educational opportunities. Please get in touch ( if you would like to be involved.

We’re also very excited to be running not one, but TWO garden clubs at Ashhurst school this year - one for the juniors and one for the seniors. We’re looking forward to tailoring this education to each age group and hoping the tamariki take this learning to their own backyards. A big ngā mihi to those organizations and individuals who have donated materials and time to the school māra over the past two years.

Our Seed Library (located within the Ashhurst Library) continues to be updated with seeds appropriate for the season. Thank you to the new volunteers who have joined us to help with this. We are always looking for donated seeds - especially those grown in our area. These can be dropped off to the Seed Library station.

And finally, RECAP Community Kai continues to provide rescued and donated kai to our residents. This happens on a Tuesday from 3:15-4:15 from the library back room (accessed through the garden area). This is not means tested and we ask no questions. Bring your own bag and select what you and your whānau will use. Some items have limits, and others you may take freely (please check the signage). We do not put out any items that are well past use by dates or appear perished, but please note most of what is available will be close to or past best before dates. Please use your eyes, nose and common sense before consuming. To find out more join facebook/RECAPcommunitykai.

Noho ora mai

Chris Love  - RECAP coordinator facebook

ResilienceAshhurstPohangina instagram recap_ashhurst_pohangina

RECAP news ~ November/December

Kia ora, from the RECAP team. 

We’ve been a bit quiet lately, as we have a couple of big projects bubbling away. We can let you know more in 2024! 


Christmas Hampers 

Right now we’re fundraising with the Ashhurst Food Bank and the Ashhurst Memorial RSA to provide hampers of Christmas food for those in need in our community. 

There are a few ways you can help us with this:

We have a box in the Ashhurst Community Library (look for the tinsel!) for donations of various shelf stable items for these hampers.

Items we would like are: Christmas puddings, Christmas mince tarts, chocolate biscuits, fizzy drink, juice, passionfruit syrup, tinned fruit and chocolates. 

PLEASE do not use this box to donate random items or items past expiry. 

Contributions can be placed in the box during library opening hours.


We are also running a christmas raffle, with a hamper of christmas goodies worth over $150 to be won. Tickets are $2 and this will be drawn December 8th.

These can be purchased at RECAP Community Kai on Tuesdays, or online into the Ashhurst Community Trust Food Bank account: 06-0729-0611295-03 (please put your name and phone number in the particulars and reference). You can also make a monetary donation into the same account, although please note this account is not connected to a registered charity so donations are not tax exempt. Please put ‘Hampers’ as the reference. 

A HUGE ngā mihi to Dianne Bennett for organising this raffle.

We will also have a stall at the Ashhurst Christmas Market on December 2nd where you can donate christmas items for the hampers, purchase raffle tickets or offer a donation.  

If you have any questions about the Christmas Hampers, you can contact Marianne on 027 627 2054 or



We’d also like to give a quick signal boost to a couple of orgs: 

Community Fruit Harvest Manawatū. If you have a large, productive fruit tree (or trees) you can’t keep up with, they will visit your property to harvest and distribute throughout the region. They tend to share the majority of this produce in the community they pick from. You can contact them at or on 0210 914 0513.

Share Waste is a new app that connects home composters and worm farmers with those who have organic waste (produce scraps e.t.c). If you are unable to compost at your whāre, you can find someone local who can. Or if your compost/worm farm needs more waste than you create you can find someone with donations. 

Both great groups that do good for us and our whenua. 


To be on our newsletter database, please email with your email address.

Noho ora mai


