It’s Volunteer Week! Volunteers are the backbone of RECAP, and to show what we mean here’s some stats for you:
In the 2022-2023 financial year RECAP projects, services and events were made possible by 1265 (documented) volunteer hours from just over 100 people. As we generally rely on people to self report these, we estimate the actual number to be much higher.
How these hours were spent:
Ashhurst Library Community Garden and King’s Reserve: 65 hours
Olsson Community Orchard: 113 hours
McCrae’s Bush: 290 hours
Governance/meetings/administration: 218 hours
Events (workshops e.t.c): 52 hours
Trapping: 108 hours
The Seed Library: 20 hours
RECAP Community Kai: 360.5 hours
Miscellaneous: 38.5 hours
RECAP would also like to give an extra special thank you to the following extra special people:
Phil Stevens.
Sharon Stevens.
Lance Fitness, Dianne McConnel, Margie Rogers, Peter Todd and Julie Doyle for their tireless work at McCrae’s bush.
RECAP Community Kai volunteers: Angela Mills, Gwendi Knight, Helen Williams, Jo Smith, Mackenzie Grant, Dianne Bennett, Kaye Isles, Kim Mills, Karina Jackson, Adrianne Harding, Suzanne and Adelle Ballantyne, Julie Gillam-Hill.
Ian Rasmussen and volunteers for their mahi with the TrAP project.
Bonnie and Neal Rider
Hayden Smith
And finally, our board: Harvey Jones (chairperson) Anne Van-Brunt (secretary) Suzanne Chelius (deputy chairperson) Aaron Roberts, Ellen Wansbrough, Saige Madgwick and Jenna Fisher.
We are so immensely grateful to each and every person who has given their time, energy, expertise and passion to our organisation. Thank you all so much.