RECAP news ~ May/June

Kia ora koutou 

We have two new workshops now up for registrations at

Winter Pruning: our popular Winter Pruning Workshop is scheduled for Saturday June 29th 1pm-3pm (with July 6th as a rain date). This is a practical, hands on guide to winter fruit tree pruning for optimum next season fruiting and tree health. Join us for this opportunity to get stuck in with the loppers with guidance and support. This is a free workshop, although koha is appreciated.

Death without Debt: This workshop is a little different to our usual output, but something we believe will be of huge benefit to many in our community. Fergus Wheeler guides people through the financial challenges surrounding death, and Death Without Debt NZ is ‘dedicated to creating a future where the cost of dying doesn't add to the burden of grief.’ This takes place on Saturday August 3rd 11am-2pm. The cost is $10 waged and $5 unwaged (these workshops are usually $30, but we have subsidized this price).

You can learn more about Fergus’ work at 

McCrae’s bush volunteering: McCrae’s bush is an area of native bush with a stream and walkways which can be accessed via steps at the end of the Terrace, or from River road.  The small team that have been kaitaki of this area has gotten smaller of late, but the work to weed the invasive plants to ensure the existing and newly planted natives thrive is ongoing. If you would be interested in helping keep this wonderful taonga healthy for both our current community and its future generations, please get in touch. There’s volunteering on Monday mornings (both casual and regular volunteers welcome) and opportunities for working bees on other days. If you are a business or group that would like to donate time to the community, we can accommodate. Email or text/call 021755314. 

Ngā mihi nui to both current and former volunteers who have put their time and energy into this wonderful space. 

The RECAP Seed Library now has a team of three and a shiny new facebook group. They’re a driven lot who have managed to access a bulk lot of seeds to distribute, as well as making plans to expand the library. All seeds are FREE, we just ask that you only take three packets per month and fill in the sheet at the Seed Library Station within the Ashhurst Community Library. We always greatly appreciate donations, especially of locally grown and collected seed as these are acclimated to the growing conditions specific to our area. 

The greenhouse at the Ashhurst School garden is now up and full of growing potential for the tamariki. Ngā mihi nui to the caretaker Richard and Aaron and Harvey from RECAP for construction and anchoring, and to Noel Birchall for the raised beds. The anonymous donor that made this possible has offered a further $1000 which will be used to purchase another vegepod, compost bins and other supplies. The focus at garden club is on food gardening, which we hope will strengthen resilience for these kids. We’re thrilled that others in the community see the importance of this kaupapa, and thank the donor for their generosity.  

Volunteer Library Gardening happens most weeks led by our wonderful deputy chairperson Suzanne. She updates facebook/Ashhurst Chat each week, so if you’re keen to get involved you can get in touch there or email: Everyone - all levels of experience and ability - welcome. Come along as a one-off or as a regular.

The RECAP Crop Swap - happens on the first Saturday of every month, 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst Library. This is a sharing event where people can give and take freely with no cost. It’s always a friendly group that gathers, with helpful kōrero on a variety of gardening related topics. 

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the wonderful regular volunteers and donors at RECAP Community Kai. Ngā mihi nui to Angela, Gwendi, Marilyn, Dianne, Helen, Aryanne, Kaye, Jo (and all previous and casual volunteers) Just Zilch, Mission for Men, Lunch by Libelle, Bonnie and Neal Rider, Jenny Annand, DKSH (and Dan for transport) and to Ross and Jill at the library who accommodate us on Tuesdays and provide space and shelving for storage and freezers. 

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou ka ora ai te iwi

With your basket and my basket the people will thrive

Ka kite anō

Chris Love

RECAP coordinator