Kia ora, from the RECAP team.
Christmas Hampers
RECAP are working with representatives from the Ashhurst Memorial RSA and the Ashhurst Food Bank again this year to provide hampers of Christmas food for some of our community.
We have a box in the window of the Ashhurst Community Library (look for the tinsel!) for donations of various shelf stable items for these hampers.
Items we would like are: Christmas puddings, Christmas mince tarts, chocolate biscuits, fizzy drink, juice, passionfruit syrup, tinned fruit and chocolates. Contributions can be placed in the box during library opening hours.
If you have any questions about the Christmas Hampers, you can contact Marianne on 027 627 2054 or chris@recap.org.nz
Some info from the Emergency Preparedness Seminar we held on September 6th. We have left some resources at the library including a new guide for lifestyle block owners in our area. The library has a reference copy and also info on how to download it. Our local fire department does home visits where they assess fire risk and advise on what you can do to minimise these risks. You can contact them directly to enquire about this free service. RECAP will be following up with the PNCC to create a list of community groups and volunteers and to gather resources to aid in our community response to any future emergency situation. If you’d like to be involved please contact us. For those in Pohangina, you can contact: pohanginaemergencyresponse@gmail.com
Ruahine Whio Protection Trust fundraising calendars for 2024
These are $20 and have beautiful photography from a number of local photographers. To purchase a calendar and support the trust with the vital work they do, please contact: A.vanbrunt@xtra.co.nz
A message from chairperson Janet Wilson:
“The Ruahine Whio Protection Trust raises funds to support the volunteer led trapping work helping to protect the endangered Whio (Blue Duck) population in the Ruahine Range, particularly on the western side. Your support is now even more appreciated as we no longer have Department of Conservation funding via their Community Conservation Fund. Volunteers work hard locally in the Oroua and Pohangina Rivers which hold the southernmost whio population in the North Island”.
Ngā mihi nui to Noel Birchall for building and donating the beautiful Tui feeder in the community garden next to the library. It’s been super popular with our feathered friends. And another ngā mihi nui to Ross and Jill at the library for keeping the feeder full!
We'd like to give also give a quick signal boost to landbasedtraining.co.nz
They facilitate a number of excellent educational opportunities, from short entry level courses to more in depth learning on a number of topics (agriculture/horticulture/apiculture/pest control and more).
They are currently enrolling students for their level four Sustainable Primary Production course, which includes some permaculture based content. As RECAP/Slow Farm are not offering the Permaculture Design Course at present, this is a fantastic local alternative.
This course is FEES FREE if you enrol before September 30th 2023 (enrolments after this date will have a fee of $490) and can be done full time or part time.
The last RECAP Crop Swap for the year is Saturday October 28th from 11am-1pm at the Ashhurst library. This is a free sharing event, where you don't need to give in order to take or vice versa. It’s a great spot to bring the fruit from the trees you can't keep up with or to offload some of your glut or excess seedlings. Or just show up to collect the bounty from other gardens. There is often a lot of great kōrero on various gardening topics, so bring your questions, too.
To be on our newsletter database, please email info@recap.org.nz with your email address.
Noho ora mai
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