The RECAP Crop Swap continues in 2025 on the first Saturday of each month. Join us at the Ashhurst Community Library 11am-1pm. For those unfamiliar with the Crop Swap - this is an open sharing event where anyone can give or take items for free (‘swap’ is a bit of a misnomer as you don’t need to exchange things). Things we welcome at the Crop Swap: excess produce/fruit, seedlings, seeds, home baking, preserves, small gardening items, cuttings, small trees, plants, fertilizers (e.g. worm wee), fresh herbs e.t.c e.t.c. There’s always a lot of great kōrero around gardening topics as well. It's a great way to meet others in the community.
This year the Crop Swap poster doubles as a colouring in competition for local tamariki: pick up a copy at the Ashhurst Library, colour it in and we'd like you to name as many of the vegetables, fruits, herbs and fungi that you recognize on the back (and don't forget your name and contact details!). Drop it off to the Crop Swap and be in to win a prize pack containing seasonal seeds, some pots and growing medium for your seeds and a surprise or two. We will be running this all year.