Our popular Summer Pruning Workshop is back for 2025: Saturday March 1st 1pm-3pm at the Olsson Community Orchard (within McCrae's Bush) in Ashhurst.
This is a practical, hands on workshop. You'll learn the basics of fruit tree pruning in the summer months for optimum fruiting and tree care; and get a chance to practice as you learn on the orchard's trees under the guidance of two experienced tutors.
You'll also learn about different tools and tool care, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions.
We welcome return visits - so if you've attended in the past and need a refresher please feel free to register.
Registrations are essential, and can be made HERE
This is a free workshop, but koha is appreciated if you are able, either on the day or online:
Account name: RECAP INC
Account number: 38-9010-0698220-00