Thanks to those who turned out to celebrate the ceremonial ground-breaking of the Ashhurst Community Library Garden.
Twenty-five adults and children turned up to start the garden off with a blessing and community input. Craig Kawana of Rangitāne, tangata whenua, offered a karakia to open the ceremony and bless the garden. He also donated a carving of Rongo, which will be permanently installed at the library in the near future. Craig is currently working at the Ashhurst Domain doing traditional carving as part of the Manawatu Gorge Project. We're very grateful for his participation.
After a welcome from Ashhurst Librarian Ross Meads, volunteer Garden Coordinator Toni O'Brien shared more about the plans for the garden. Those present then pitched in together to prepare a sheet mulched veggie bed, topped with ample compost donated from PNCC. Darrin Kawana planted the first seedling, then everyone worked together to plant the rest of the bed. Following the ceremony, another bed was planted with a cover crop of blue lupine.
A team is sharing the watering on rotation. Keep your eyes out to watch the plants develop!